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Double Double Whammy


It's a rare breed that can slay on both sides of music, putting out some of the best releases in town and writing songs as good as LVL UP does. I suppose that's unfairly specific - the only two guys who fit those criteria are of course Dave Benton & Mike Caridi of Double Double Whammy. Ridgewood NJ and Connecticut natives respectively, and Purchase alumns to boot, it's no surprise their fare is mostly comprised of excellently crafted bedroom pop. Their catalogue has been slowly grown somewhat exponentially as of late - they've put out the majority of their releases within the past 12 months and including such heavy hitters as Porches, Frankie Cosmos, & Lost Boy. The duo were kind enough to compile a playlist of DDW bands live at Shea - as long as they continue expand there'll always be a stage here for the gems they unearth.
-Luke Chiaruttini