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Beech Creeps


I try to make it a point to never compare bands to other bands but I'm going to have to break that rule for Beech Creeps. There are times this band sounds like Guns n Roses in a k-hole and that fact can't be ignored.

Most of the time though they're just shredding. The band is relatively new but is filled with vets from bands like Knyfe Hyts & Pterodactyl, and it makes sense to hear them beautifully tow their line between metal and noise rock. Like any good ol' loud band, watching them feels like a celebration of rock and roll and songs like "Sun of Sud" have that perfect sort of rhythm that hits you on a primeval level.

If you've yet to see them play, you can catch them at Shea on 2/26 with Shea fave PC Worship, Turn to Crime & Happy You.
- Luke Chiaruttini