- A Deer A Horse
- A Guide To Rational Living
- A.M. Gems
- AJ Davila
- Aa
- Aabakari
- Acid Baby Jesus
- Acid Dad
- Acrylics
- Action Painters
- Adam & Naive
- Adam Lempel & The Heartbeats
- Addie Pray
- Adult Dude
- Adult Themes
- Advaeta
- Advance Base
- Afu Ra
- Airwaves
- Alan Watts
- Alex Bleeker & The Freaks
- Alex Drewchin (Eartheater)
- Alex G
- Alice Cohen
- Alien Whale
- Alpenglow
- Amanda X
- Amen Dunes
- American Wrestlers
- Ami Dang
- Amy Hunter
- Anamanaguchi
- Ancient Sky
- Andrew Cedermark
- Antarctigo Vespucci
- Anwar Sadat
- Apollo Heights
- Arc Light
- Arches
- Armand Hammer
- Asa Ransom
- Ashcan Orchestra
- Astral Gunk
- Audacity
- Autre Ne Veut
- Ava Luna
- Aye Nako
- B L A C K I E
- BMX Bandits
- Baby Birds Don't Drink Milk
- Bad Credit No Credit
- Baked
- Balkans
- Banned Books
- Barn Owl
- Bass Drum of Death
- Beach Arabs
- Beach Day
- Beach Fossils
- Beast Make Bomb
- Beech Creeps
- Beer Shits
- Beige
- Beliefs
- Belle Mare
- Bellows
- Ben Seretan
- Bermuda Bonnie
- Best Hits
- Bethlehem Steel
- Big Eyes
- Big Gold Belt
- Big Huge
- Big Neck Police
- Big Spider's Back
- Big Surr
- Big Troubles
- Big Ups
- Bird Names
- Birthdays
- Birthmark
- Black Marble
- Black Ribbons
- Bleached
- Bleeding Knees Club
- Blissed Out
- Blood Orange
- Blouse
- Blues Control
- Bonny Doon
- Booker & Weston
- Born Gold (Gobble Gobble)
- Borzoi
- Bosco Delrey
- Brain Idea
- Breakfast In Fur
- Brook Pridemore
- Brown Bread & Von Holt
- Bubbles
- Bueno
- Bully
- Burning Star Core
- Butter The Children
- Butterscotch Stanley
- The Babies
- The Balls
- The Beets
- The Boys
- The Brooklyn What
- C. Spencer Yeh
- CSC Funk Band
- Caddywhompus
- Caged Animals
- California X
- Call Me Warthog
- Calvin Love
- Cantina
- Carmen
- Carnivores
- Cassandra Jenkins
- Catacombz
- Catamaran
- Celestial Shore
- Cende
- Cende
- Ceremony
- Chains of Love
- Charly Bliss
- Chase King
- Chastity Belt
- Chat Logs
- Cherry
- Chimes
- Chris Farren
- Christmas
- Clapperclaw
- Clean Girls
- Cleo Tucker
- Cloud Becomes Your Hand
- Co La
- Coastgaard
- Coasting
- Coke Weed
- Cold Beat
- Cold Sweats
- Colin L. Orchestra
- Controlled Bleeding
- Cool Angels
- Cool World
- Cosmonaut
- Country Mice
- Creepoid
- Crinkles
- Crosss
- Cruel Angels
- Crushed Out
- Crying
- Cuddle Formation (Philip Seymour Hoffman)
- Cut Worms
- Cymbals Eat Guitars
- The Can't Tells
- The Clap
- D'NT
- D. Charles Speer
- DJ Dog Dick
- Dada Trash Collage
- Dan Friel
- Dan Melchior
- Dances
- Dariius
- Darlings
- David F. Bello
- Dead Gaze
- Dead Wives
- Deadbeat Club
- Death Valley Girls
- Deep Earth
- Del Venicci
- Den-Mate
- Dent May
- Desaparecidos
- Descender
- Desert Sharks
- Devin
- Devin Gary & Ross
- Diarrhea Planet
- Diehard
- Dinosaur Feathers
- Dinowalrus
- Dirty Beaches
- Dirty Dishes
- Dog
- Doldrums
- Donner Party Picnic
- Donovan Wolfington
- Dope Body
- Double Dagger
- Downtown Boys
- Drainolith
- Dream Diary
- Drew & the Medicinal Pen
- Drone Ranger
- Dubknowdub
- Duchess Says
- Dune Rats
- Dusted
- Dustin Wong
- The Death Set
- The Delay
- The Dirty Nil
- The Doozies
- The Due Diligence
- Earl Boykins
- Eastern Hollows
- Ecstatic Sunshine
- Ed Askew
- Ed Schrader's Music Beat
- Edith Pop
- Ejecta
- Eleanor
- Electric People
- Electric Tickle Machine
- Eleven Twenty-Nine
- Elvis Depressedly
- Emily Reo
- Emily Yacina
- Enchanted Armor
- Entro Senestre
- Eola
- Eric Copeland
- Erika Spring
- Eros & The Eschaton
- Eskalators
- Eternal Summers
- Ex Wife
- Ex-Breathers
- Excepter
- Extra Spooky
- Ezra Furman
- Fables
- Family Portrait
- Family Trees
- Family of Love
- Fat History Month
- Fat White Family
- Feels
- Fergus & Geronimo
- Fiasco
- Field Mouse
- Field Trip
- Fieldings
- Flagland
- Flame Proof Moth
- Flashlight O
- Flashlights
- Flesh Lights
- Fletcher C. Johnson
- Florida
- Florist
- Flower Orgy
- Fluffy Lumbers
- Food Pyramid
- For Everest
- Forest Fire
- Fort Lean
- Forth Wanderers
- Foxes In Fiction
- Frankie Cosmos
- Free Clinic
- Free Energy
- Free Time
- Fresh & Onlys
- Freshkills
- Friend Roulette
- Friends
- Fuck Fuck
- Fucking Cicadas
- Fuckton
- Future Islands
- Future Punx
- Future Shuttle
- The Falcon
- The Fire Tapes
- The Front Bottoms
- Ga'an
- Gabby's World
- Garcia Peoples
- Gary Higgins
- Gary War
- Gary Wilson
- Gauntlet Hair
- Gemma
- Genders
- German Measles
- Geronimo!
- Ghost Box Orchestra
- Give To Light
- Glocca Morra
- Go Cozy
- Golden Bears
- Golden Triangle
- Gondola
- Graffiti Monsters
- Grand Rapids
- Grass Is Green
- Grassfight
- Great Valley
- Greg Fox
- Greg Fox + C. Spencer Yeh
- Greys
- Gringo Star
- Grooms
- Guardian Alien
- Guerilla Toss
- Guillermo Sexo
- Gunfight
- Gunn-Truscinski Duo
- Gunther Doug
- Gutsies
- Gym Shorts
- The Gradients
- Habibi
- Half Waif
- Hank May
- Happy Jawbone Family Band
- Happy Place
- Har Mar Superstar
- Hard Nips
- Haussman
- Haybaby
- Hear Hums
- Heaven's Gate
- Hector's Pets
- Heeney
- Heevahava
- Heliotropes
- Hello Shark
- Herbcraft
- Hermit Thrushes
- Heyrocco
- High Pop
- Highlife
- Hilly Eye
- Hippy
- Hive Bent
- Holiday Shores
- Hollerado
- Hollow Hills
- Holy Balm
- Holy Spirits
- Holy Tunics
- Home Blitz
- Homebody
- Homeshake
- Honduras
- Honeydrum
- Hoops
- Horse Jumper of Love
- Horse Lords
- Household
- How To Be Topp
- How to Dress Well
- Howth
- Hubble
- Human Resources
- Hundred Waters
- The Hairs
- The Hard Times
- The House Floor
- J & L Defer
- Jack & Eliza
- Jaill
- Jake Harms & the Nelsonvillains
- Jamaican Queens
- James Ferraro
- Jane Jane Pollock
- Jank
- Japanese Breakfast
- Japanther
- Javelin
- Jawbreaker Reunion
- Jeane
- Jeffrey Lewis
- Jeffrey Lewis & Peter Stampfel
- Jeremy Smoking
- Jerry Paper
- Jesus Jim
- Joan of Arc
- Joanna Gruesome
- Joanna Sternberg
- Joes
- Jonas Reinhardt
- Jovontaes
- Juan Wauters
- Juiceboxxx
- Julia Brown
- Julian Lynch
- Jumpers
- The Jazz Massagers
- The Jeanies
- The Judy Blooms
- L.A. Witch
- La Big Vic
- La Luz
- La Otracina
- La Sera
- Laila
- Lame Drivers
- Landlady
- Landline
- Lantern
- Large Lady
- Larkin Grimm
- Las Robertas
- Las Rosas
- Laser Background
- Late Guest (At The Party)
- Laura Stevenson
- Le Rug
- Leapling
- Lechuguillas
- Lee Bains III & the Glory Fires
- Les Bonhommes
- Liam Betson
- Lichens
- Life Size Maps
- Light Heat
- Lionshare
- Lip Talk
- Liquor Store
- Literature
- Lithuania
- Little Big League
- Little Wings
- Liturgy
- Live Footage
- Living Serious
- Long Beard
- Long Long Long
- Long Neck
- Lorna Dune
- Lost Boy?
- Lost Gloves
- Love As Laughter
- Love Inks
- Low Fat Getting High
- Lucky Dragons
- Ludwig Persik
- Lurve
- Lydia Ainsworth
- The Love Ways
- MV & EE
- Magical Mistakes
- Magik Markers
- Magnetic Island
- Magrudergrind
- Main Attrakionz
- Make-Overs
- Makeout
- Makeup Monsters
- Mala Strana
- Man Forever
- Mannequin Pussy
- Many Mansions
- Marriage
- Math the Band
- Matthew Northrup
- Max Jaffe & Brandon Lopez
- Mean Creek
- Meat Wave
- Mega Bog
- Megafortress
- Melt
- Mentira Mentira
- Messages
- Michael Collins
- Michael Jordan
- Midriffs
- Milk Dick
- Millionyoung
- Milo
- Milo and the Fuzz
- Mirrors and Wires
- Mister Lies
- Mitski
- Model Home
- Model Train Wreck
- Modern Baseball
- Money Now
- Monograms
- Mood Rings
- Moon King
- Moondudes
- Mr. Dream
- Mr. Twin Sister
- Mrs. Magician
- Mumblr
- Museum of Recycling
- Muuy Biien
- My Teenage Stride
- The Mantles
- The Men
- The Midgetmen
- Nana Grizol
- Nani
- Nat Baldwin
- Natural Child
- Natureboy
- Netherfriends
- Newport Reds
- Nicholas Nicholas
- Night Manager
- Nightmare Air
- Nite Club
- No Demons Here
- No Joy
- No One & the Somebodies
- Noisear
- Nonhorse
- North Highlands
- Not Blood Paint
- Noveller
- Novelty Daughter
- Nuclear Power Pants
- Nü Sensae
- The Night Beats
- The Numerators
- PC Worship
- PG Six
- Paint Fumes
- Painted Zeros
- Palberta
- Pale Lights
- Palehound
- Palm
- Pampers
- Paper Streets
- Paragraph
- Parenthetical Girls
- Parquet Courts
- Pat The Bunny
- Pelican Movement
- Peopling
- Perfect Pussy
- Permanent Collection
- Persona La Ave
- Peter Bauer
- Phil Stearns
- Phone Home
- Phone Tag
- Phony Ppl
- Pigeons
- Pile
- Pill
- Pinegrove
- Pink Mexico
- Pinkwash
- Pity Sex
- Pkew Pkew Pkew
- Plastic Flowers
- Plateaus
- Plates of Cake
- Platinum Vision
- Pony Time
- Pop + Obachan
- Pop. 1280
- Porcelain Raft
- Porches
- Port St. Willow
- Potty Mouth
- Pow Wow
- Prawn
- Prayertown
- Pregnant
- Prima
- Primes
- Prince Rama
- Prissy Clerks
- Professor Genius
- Protect-U
- Psychic Flowers
- Psychic Reality
- Psychobuildings
- Pujol
- Punks on Mars
- Pupppy
- Purling Hiss
- Pygmy Shrews
- Pylon Reenactment Society
- The Para-medics
- The Pharmacy
- Radiator Hospital
- Radical Dads
- Radkey
- Railings
- Rainer Maria
- Rat Attack
- Rathborne
- Ratking
- Raw Feels
- Real Estate
- Red Dwarf
- Regal Degal
- Respect
- Rhyton
- Rick From Pile
- Ringo Deathstarr
- Rituals
- Roadside Graves
- Rob Anderson All-Stars
- Romo Roto
- Ron Gallo
- Ronnie Stone & The Lonely Riders
- Roomrunner
- Rosy Street
- Royal Baths
- Roz & The Ricecakes
- Rozwell Kid
- Run DMT
- Russian Baths
- Ryann
- Sacred Harp
- Sam Mickens
- Schmear
- Schwervon
- Scott & Charlene's Wedding
- Screaming Females
- Scully
- Sea Ghost
- Sediment Club
- Sensorium Sax Ensemble
- Seratones
- Sex Beet
- Sham-poo
- Shana Falana
- Shark?
- Sharkmuffin
- Sharpless
- She Keeps Bees
- Shellshag
- Shilpa Ray
- Shop Talk
- Shorts
- Sightings
- Silent Diane
- Silent Fangs
- Silk Flowers
- Ski Lodge
- Slam Donahue
- Slaughter Beach
- Sleepies
- Slingshot Dakota
- Slippertails
- Slonk Donkerson
- Slothrust
- Slow Animal
- Slow Warm Death
- Slowdance
- Slutever
- Small Black
- Small Reactions
- Small Wonder
- Snoozer
- So Cow
- Socialite
- Soda Bomb
- Soft Black
- Soft Circle
- SoftSpot
- Solar Year
- Son Step
- Sonic Avenues
- Sore Eros
- Sorority Noise
- Spanish Prisoners
- Spectre Folk
- Speedy Ortiz
- Spit
- Spook Houses
- Spookfish
- Spraynard
- Spritzer
- Sros Lords
- Star Rover
- Starlight Girls
- Starscream
- Steel Phantoms
- Stephen Konrads
- Steve Adamyk Band
- Steve Moore
- Steve Summers
- Stove
- Strange Kids
- Strange Shapes
- Straw Hats
- Street Gnar
- Stringer
- Sultan
- Summer People
- Sun Color
- Sundelles
- Super Silver Haze
- Surfbort
- Suuns
- Swanox
- Sweet Bulbs
- Swimming
- Swings
- Sycorax
- The Sea Life
- The Sheens
- The So So Glos
- The Static Jacks
- The Surprisers
- T-Rextasy
- TV Ghost
- TV Girl
- Tacocat
- Tall Juan
- Tanks Amigo
- Tayisha Busay
- Team Robespierre
- Teen Suicide
- Teepee
- Teeth Mountain
- Tele Novella
- Telenovelas
- Teletextile
- Tenement
- Tennis System
- Tereu Tereu
- Terror Pigeon Dance Revolt
- Terry Malts
- Tetsuo
- The Teen Age
- The Televibes
- The Toothaches
- The Tough Shits
- These Arms Are Snakes
- Thousand Foot Whale Claw
- Three Legged Race
- Tiger Dare
- Tiger Waves
- Tiny Hazard
- Tiny Victories
- Titus Andronicus
- Together Pangea
- Told Slant
- Tom Blacklung & The Smokestacks
- Tom Carter
- Tonstartssbandht
- Tony Castles
- Tony Molina
- Toons
- Total Slacker
- Tournament
- Trace Mountains
- Trash Talk
- Truman Peyote
- Truthers
- Turbo Fruits
- Turbosleaze
- Turf War
- Turner Cody
- Turnip King
- Tweens
- Twerps
- Twin Peaks
- Two Inch Astronaut
- The Wild
- The Woolen Men
- The Wrong Words
- Walrus
- Walter Schreifels & The Dead Heavens
- Warehouse
- Washer
- Wavves
- Wax Idols
- Weaves
- Web Dating
- Weed
- Weed Hounds
- Weekend
- Weekends
- Weird Korea
- Weird Womb
- Wharton Tiers Ensemble
- What Next?
- Whatever, Dad
- White Bike
- White Fence
- White Laces
- White Mice
- White Reaper
- Whitney
- Wicked Kind
- Widowspeak
- Wild Yaks
- Wildhoney
- Wing Dam
- Wise Blood
- Wish List
- Woodsman
- Woven Bones
- Wreck & Reference